Monday, August 14, 2006

Go, Research and Talk about Depleted Uranium

Re: U.S. Soldiers are Sick of It

Associated Press 10:20 AM Aug, 12, 2006
Original link for the story

A letter to the soldiers:

Yes, please do research. That is the only recourse for anyone wanting answers. Radiation is really invisible, tasteless, has no smell and its presence very hard to prove.

One thing though that you have to be ready to face is this: Any stand on depleted uranium (DU) needs a study or research for basis. Research to be conclusive of its findings needs numbers “to be clinically significant." In this regard, you will hardly have the required percentage because the gargantuan total population of soldiers expected to have been subjected to depleted uranium must be considered. This is the tyranny in numbers.

A mild example that could be given for this is the case of a cosmetic drug suspected to induce suicidal tendencies. There were several adverse drug reaction reports on this that included psychotic tendencies received by the FDA but it could not stop its manufacture – because of numbers. The British Association of Dermatologists was saying it needed at least 80,000 volunteers to be tested for the drug for findings to be conclusive.

Now, in your case they laugh at your measly 32 because it is “far too small” But 32 is 32 lives, you say? Because the number of soldiers in both Iraq wars is more than 900,000 – and this becomes the so-called population from which you base your sample.

Right, go around and tell your comrades about DU – and its possibilities. Perhaps you might yet save others from becoming zombies like you. While others need numbers in order to move, you have your dear health at stake. There is nothing better than health that man needs to hold on to in order to survive. How else can you think when you also lose your brain to DU?

Postscript: Wired News had reported that this was written by Anonymous, perhaps because I had attended to posting first before updating my account then. Here was my follow up -

I wrote this letter. And I am responsible for...janeabao on 08/14/06 4:55 GMT

I wrote this letter. And I am responsible for what I wrote. I am wondering why it came out as written by "anonymous." Please make the necessary correction.

And this guy backs me up!

"DU is 60% as radioactive as natural...yogrr on 08/15/06 8:53 GMT

"DU is 60% as radioactive as natural uranium". Technically true, but uranium can't be found in "pure" form in nature. It is mined from rocks containing about 0.1% uranium oxide. On the other hand, depleted uranium shells used by the U.S. Army contain 96.5% uranium. That explains why the alloy used in DU shells is actually hundreds of times more radioactive than any uranium ore found in nature.

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